ikas Secures $20 Million Investment to Boost E-Commerce in Europe 🎉
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Sena Özkurt

Content Marketing Specialist

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Sena Özkurt has been actively working for over 7 years in content marketing, blogging, copywriting, social media, SEO, and public relations.

Graduating from Boğaziçi University's Department of English Literature, Sena is fluent in English. She also completed her master's in Media and Communication Systems at Istanbul Bilgi University.

She specializes in creating content that establishes a strong connection with readers and, thanks to SEO optimization, both increases web traffic and improves search engine rankings. She has produced content in Turkish and English for the ikas blog since March 2023.

She currently resides in Charlottesville, Virginia, United States.


Expertise & Interests

Content CreationContent Marketing


English Literature, Boğaziçi University

Media and Communication Systems, Istanbul Bilgi University

Blog Posts
