ikas Secures $20 Million Investment to Boost E-Commerce in Europe 🎉


1. İKAS is committed to conducting its operations with environmental awareness. In this context, İKAS sees environmental and social sustainability as a fundamental component of sustainable and inclusive development. With this Environmental and Social Policy, İKAS aims to manage the direct and indirect environmental and social impacts that may arise from its activities.

This Policy covers all employees and activities of ikas. In this context, the United Nations Global Compact and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals form the general framework for the environmental efforts of ikas.

İKAS commits to:

2.İKAS is aware of the importance of environmental and social development and the long-term benefits it provides. İKAS is committed to minimizing the environmental impacts arising from its operations. In this regard, İKAS aims to manage its direct impacts on the environment and society responsibly. The environmental impacts resulting from the activities of İKAS are regularly monitored, and reduction targets are set. İKAS tracks all its impacts on the environment to ensure full compliance with all legal regulations and environmental obligations. İKAS makes efforts to preserve and efficiently use the natural resources of Türkiye and the world. İKAS commits to controlling and reducing any environmental impact arising from its activities and encourages its stakeholders to adopt similar practices. İKAS focuses on reducing energy consumption, water consumption, and resource usage, and uses natural resources effectively.

3. İKAS is committed to taking necessary measures to reduce resource consumption and waste generation. İKAS supports projects in renewable energy, resource efficiency, recycling, and waste reduction, which are crucial for sustainable development and combating climate change. In its financed projects, İKAS prioritizes maximum social and environmental benefits. In line with the principles of sustainable development, İKAS emphasizes the prevention and reduction of waste, increasing recycling, and whenever possible, prioritizes the use of waste as a resource.

4. İKAS is planning to minimize greenhouse gas emissions resulting from its operational activities as much as possible.

5. İKAS views human resources as a fundamental value, aiming to provide work-life balance, and a safe and healthy work environment while hiring and managing its employees and ensuring equal opportunities when selecting its customers and suppliers.

6. İKAS is committed to fulfilling its legal obligations, supporting environmental and social awareness, being sustainability-focused, continuously improving its performance, and sharing its knowledge.

7. İKAS does not finance activities that are not in compliance with environmental and social conditions, adhering to national legislation and international agreements. İKAS maintains communication and cooperation with relevant institutions and organizations in the development of Environmental and Social policies and standards.

8. IKAS commits to providing the necessary capacity and organization for the effective implementation and sustainability of the Environmental and Social Policy, and to establishing relationships with guides and third parties.

9. Training needs related to the Environmental and Social Policy are identified, and employees are provided with the necessary training to enhance their capacities.

10.Voluntary activities with the public, civil society organizations and other stakeholders are supported to raise awareness about climate change.

11. IKAS adopts the principle of preventing waste generation, reducing waste, increasing recycling, recovery, and reuse, and using waste as a resource as much as possible.

12. IKAS sets goals to improve environmental performance, plans actions, tracks results, and focuses on continuous improvement.

13. IKAS endeavors to support projects in renewable energy, resource efficiency, recycling, and waste reduction, which are of great importance for the sustainable development and climate change efforts of our country, aiming to provide environmental and social benefits.

14. The occupational health and safety culture for employees in the workplace is taken seriously. It is checked monthly by authorities, efforts are made to ensure a safe working environment, and attempts are made to prevent workplace accidents and occupational diseases.

15. The performance of direct and indirect environmental and social activities of ikas is reviewed annually with the aim of continuous improvement. Any party significantly affected directly and/or indirectly by the operations and financing activities of ikas can file a complaint via the website or email address of ikas (https://ikas.com or support@ikas.com). Received complaints are systematically recorded, responded to promptly, and periodically reported to senior management.

16. The Board of Directors is responsible for monitoring and updating this Policy, as well as for its approval and revocation. The Policy is updated in cases of changes in relevant legislation, emergence of violations, or the need for improvement. All updates related to this Policy are shared with the public through the website.


Within the scope of İKAS E-Commerce platform service, the list of products that users are prohibited from selling include:

İKAS reserves the right to immediately delete the user infrastructure from its servers and terminate the service if it detects the sale of other products deemed illegal under legislation, regulations, international treaties, and agreements that Turkey is a party to, in addition to the items listed.