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Human Resources Policy and Employee Handbook

Purpose and General Overview

This document provides a comprehensive summary of the employment policies, procedures, and primary terms relevant to directly recruited employees. 

Human Resources Policy and Employee Handbook encapsulates the human resources policy, detailing the work environment, employment policies, and mandatory procedures for all employees to follow. The goal of the Human Resources Policy is to foster a secure and effective working environment, encompassing all members of the staff.

Information We Need

ikas is obligated to keep records of all its employees. Upon commencement of their employment, employees are required to submit the following details to their employer:

The employer is responsible for keeping records for all employees. These records will encompass details on hours worked, vacation days, salaries, and any issues related to discipline or complaints. While these employee records are to be kept confidential, they may be made available to parties like government inspectors or auditors to ensure adherence to legal and international standards.

Information on Terms and Conditions for Starting Employment

When employees start working at ikas, the employer provides a copy of this document. It also outlines the terms and conditions of a contract. The general scope of the contract includes:

Orientation Process and Company Introduction

On their first day of work, all new hires will receive an orientation that introduces the company, their duties, responsibilities, and reporting processes. To facilitate a smoother acclimation process, they will be assigned an experienced buddy from their team.

Company Policies

The following policies and procedures apply to all employees.

Personal Conduct

We expect all employees to maintain the highest standards of personal conduct. This includes showing mutual respect to other employees, managers, and visitors, as well as being courteous and clear in communication.

Equal Opportunity Policy

Equal opportunities are provided to all employees in every aspect of recruitment, promotion, and employment. We do not tolerate any discrimination based on gender, race, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age, or sexual orientation.

Harassment and Bullying Policy and Procedures

We are committed to ensuring a fair and safe working environment where all employees can perform their jobs professionally. We do not permit any employee or manager to be subjected to bullying or harassment for any reason. If an employee feels that they have been subjected to bullying or harassment for any reason, they should immediately report it to their superior or other managers.

Disciplinary Policy and Procedures

All employees are expected to comply with workplace policies, accepted procedures, and instructions. If an employee is subject to disciplinary action or dismissal, predetermined procedures are followed. The dismissal procedure may address issues such as:

Complaint Process

We adopt a transparent process for employees to express their concerns and file complaints, including anonymous complaints. We acknowledge our responsibility to address legitimate complaints effectively and efficiently. We assure employees that there will be no retaliation or discrimination against those who file complaints and that complaints will be handled confidentially. Managers are expected to take complaints seriously and to act swiftly and appropriately.

Minimum Age Policy

No individual under the age of 18 will be employed.

Forced Labor Policy

Any form of forced or bonded labor will not be used or tolerated. All work must be voluntary, and employees are free to terminate their employment.


All employees are expected to maintain confidentiality regarding trade or operational information. Personal data of employees collected by the employer will be kept confidential following legal regulations.

Bribery and Corruption Policy

Employees are expected to act honestly and comply with all anti-corruption and bribery laws and regulations. We have a zero-tolerance policy regarding bribery and corruption. If there is a suspicion of bribery or corruption, appropriate investigation and measures will be taken; this may include notifying the relevant authorities, disciplinary action, and/or legal proceedings.

Drug, Alcohol, and Gambling Policy

There will be no tolerance for the consumption of drugs or alcohol in the workplace or during working hours. Gambling in the workplace or during working hours is unacceptable.

Workplace Facilities

We are committed to providing a hygienic and safe working environment for employees. All employees have access to clean drinking water and rest areas in the workplace. All employees are taught the location of the first aid kit and injury procedures.

Training Policy

As part of our commitment to being a good employer, we provide our employees with training that will help them perform their duties better and contribute to their development.

Layoff Policy

In any situation requiring economic layoffs, we will implement dismissals in compliance with laws and without discrimination. As part of the layoff process, any employee who is laid off will receive all contractual payments and proof that their social security payments have been made.

Use of Company Property

All employees are expected to use company property with care and diligence and return any property in their possession when requested.

Health and Safety Policy

Our commitment to preventing injuries is achieved by providing and maintaining a healthy and safe work environment. We have detailed policies and procedures regarding workplace safety and injury, which all employees are required to follow.

All employees are expected to adhere to the following rules:

Work Arrangements

This outlines the basic conditions for employees. The full terms and conditions are found in the contracts of the employers.

Communication Processes

Open communication is practiced by everyone. All employees receive clear instructions and information necessary to perform their jobs.


Employers will keep a record of hours worked. All workers are required to clock in and out for each shift. Unauthorized absences will be addressed as a disciplinary matter.

Working Hours

Regular working hours comply with the law and do not exceed 48 hours per week. Employees are provided regular breaks, including a one-hour lunch break.

Leave (Holiday) Entitlements

Employees are entitled to annual leave and other types of leave (such as sick leave, personal leave, etc.) per the law and their contracts.

Notice and Resignation Procedures

Employees are free to resign within a reasonable notice period as stipulated in their contracts.

Wages and Additional Benefits

Employees will be paid in full and on time following their contracts. The employer is responsible for making social security contributions and other legally mandated payments. Payment records are clearly presented to employees (salary slips).

Disciplinary Process

Minor violations and most cases of poor performance can be addressed through informal advice, coaching, and counseling. An informal verbal warning may be given; however, this is not considered part of the formal (or legal) disciplinary procedure. No official record of such a warning is kept. If the situation is serious enough, there are several possible outcomes:

Complaint Process

Managers and employees are encouraged to use informal methods to resolve disputes. If employees have reasonable complaints related to the workplace or behavior in the workplace, they should, if possible, discuss and resolve these with their managers. A resolution of the complaint between the employee and manager can be reasonably agreed upon.

Complaint Process

If an employee wishes to formally address an issue, they should preferably explain their complaint in writing to their manager. This explanation should be factual and must not contain insults or abuse. If the complaint is against the employee's manager and the employee feels they cannot approach them, the employee should take the complaint to Human Resources. If an employee wishes to remain anonymous, they may submit their complaint in writing. Human Resources will invite the employee to a meeting within 10 days of receiving the complaint. Following the meeting, Human Resources will provide the employee with a written decision within 5 days.

If the employee is not satisfied with the decision made on their complaint and wishes to appeal, they must inform Human Resources. An appeal meeting will be held, to which the employee will be invited within a specific timeframe, and the appeal will be heard by a higher-level manager. Every effort should be made to solve the best interests of the employee(s) and the company. Following the meeting, the senior manager/ombudsman will provide the employee with a written decision. This decision is final within the framework of the company's internal complaint mechanism. However, this does not preclude the employee from pursuing the matter through other legal processes.

ikas will keep a record of complaints and their outcomes.