ikas Secures $20 Million Investment to Boost E-Commerce in Europe 🎉

Smart Automations

Say goodbye to repetitive tasks and hello to efficiency. Automate your entire marketing funnel, from personalized pop-ups to timely emails and SMS, and watch your conversion rates climb.

Automate All Your Marketing Processes

Stop spending hours manually managing your marketing. With ikas Marketing you can set up automated workflows that target customers based on their behavior - driving sales without the hassle. Create personalized, automated campaigns that focus on each customer's needs.

Boost Your Sales with Customer Segments

Use ikas Segments to divide your customers into over 30 different behavior-based groups. Sending tailored, personalized campaigns to these segments, you create a smoother, more effective marketing strategy that boost your sales and conversions.

Optimize Your Messaging with A/B Testing

Want to find out what really resonates with your customers? Use A/B testing within your automations to test different SMS or email versions. Track results and refine your strategy to always be one step ahead.

Make Special Moments Even More Personal

Celebrate your customer's milestones - like birthdays, anniversaries, or their first purchase - with thoughtful, personalized emails or SMS. Create automated workflows that send the right message at the right time to build lasting customer relationships.

Customize Your Automations Specific to Your Customer Data


Customer Segments

Create automations based on the customer segments you define.


Personalized Details

Trigger actions based on individual customer data


Order Actions

Automatically respond to specific actions like order placements or status updates.

Ready to See ikas Marketing in Action? Fill out the form and start your free trial today!


Seamless E-Commerce and Marketing Integration

Manage both E-Commerce Store and Marketing from one easy-to-use dashboard. Automate your processes to drive sales, streamline your workflow, and boost conversions - all without the extra effort.